Standard eBook Conversion
We cconvert your manuscript into all the major eBook formats to help maximise your potential audience. Our standard eBook conversion includes everything you need to become a self-published author.
What we need from you:
- Your manuscript in one of the following formats: Text, HTML, MS Word (*.doc/.docx), RTF, PDF. We can accommodate other formats; please check with us first.
- Front cover image file with approximate dimensions of 1600px wide by 2400px tall, as per the Smashword recommendations (this follows the proportions of most paperback books in the USA, which have a height 1.5 times greater than their width)
- Your choice of standard fonts (serif & sans-serif) for text and headings
What you get:
- Front cover image (from the image file supplied by you)
- The text formatted as in the original manuscript (bold, italic, justified, indented, centered, etc.)
- Fully reflowable content, to accommodate the screen sizes of various devices
- Table of contents with links to all the sections/chapters of the eBook
- Internal table of contents used by eReader devices for navigation
- Special sections (copyright, dedication, epigraph, foreword, afterword, etc.) where required
- Headings and subheadings (numbered or titled)
- Metadata (e.g. title, subtitle, author, description) used by eBook retailers to categorise your work and for discoverability.
- Manual check on a number of eBook readers and reader simulators to assure quality
- Digital file validation (e.g. ePubCheck, ePubPreflight, Kindle Previewer) to ensure file is acceptable to all major retailers
- Digital eBook files in the following formats: MOBI/KF8 (Amazon Kindle), ePub2 (iPads and most other tablets/smartphones/eReaders). We can create other formats (e.g. PDF); please check with us first.
How to place your order:
Check our price list for all the services we provide and then simply click on the button below to start the order process. If you are unsure about anything, please feel free to contact us on [email protected] or fill in our quote form which will guide you through the information we need to create the eBook you want.
Sample output
The image below shows what a standard eBook file could look like in an eReader for the title, content and first chapter pages.
If you would like to tailor your eBook beyond what the standard package provides, we can create a bespoke quote based on your requirements. Please visit our eBook formatting page to see what we can do and then contact us on [email protected] or fill in our quote form.