You CAN build your readership and fan base before you have a book. Honest


Amy Collins talks to author Nicole Evelina about engaging with potential fans and readers even before having completed or published a book.

3 essential branding moves for shy authors


Dave Chesson has some important pointers for all those authors who find it hard to self-promote:
1. Spruce up your author bio
2. Be efficient about your use of social media
3. Keep your visual branding simple and consistent

How To Build A Successful Writing Career Through Self-Publishing


Self-publishing makes it easy to get your words out there – the tricky part is ensuring that your work gets read. That requires self-promotion. Three  authors share their tips on how best to accomplish this in an ever-shifting landscape.

How to self-publish your novel as an ebook


The process of publishing your own book can be both very simple and very complex. The actual mechanics of publishing an ebook, or even a print book, have become relatively easy, especially if you give yourself to the Amazon ecosystem.

What no one’s telling you about writing that book


Too many people are focused on the fact they can publish a book rather than wonder if they even should; authors need to follow through by giving their book the “royal” treatment if they choose to self-publish (good editing is essential) and focusing on marketing it once it’s published.

Survey points to how authors can sell more books


Bowker asked 4,000 of Lulu’s best-selling authors to share the best practices that they’ve learned on their path to book marketing and sales success. The full guide, “Marketing Your Book for Holiday Sales,” is available for free at

Is it worth engaging a publicist to market your book?


Kathryn Lilley writes on The Kill Zone blog about using a publicist for promotion. If you’re not comfortable handling all aspects of selling yourself and your work, both in traditional media as well as social media, you may want to engage someone to do this for you. Be aware, however, that you may find it hard to quantify the benefit for the money that you spend.