How to self-publish your novel as an ebook


The process of publishing your own book can be both very simple and very complex. The actual mechanics of publishing an ebook, or even a print book, have become relatively easy, especially if you give yourself to the Amazon ecosystem.

What no one’s telling you about writing that book


Too many people are focused on the fact they can publish a book rather than wonder if they even should; authors need to follow through by giving their book the “royal” treatment if they choose to self-publish (good editing is essential) and focusing on marketing it once it’s published.

What are the reasonable costs of self-publishing?


Don’t get scammed. Don’t spend more than you have to on self-publishing (and you don’t have to spend a lot) and never give away your intellectual property rights.

The difference between editing and proofreading


This is a useful reminder, especially if you’re looking to self-publish, of thedifference between the two activities . As Belinda Pollard says “Editors need proofreaders. Proofreaders need editors. And books need both!”

Indicative freelance editing rates


For authors looking to get their work edited, the Editorial Freelancer Association has published a set of indicative rates for different types of editing.

Should I get external help to self-publish my book?


In a word, ‘yes’. Whether paid or unpaid, getting external help, plus an extra set of eyes or twelve, will pick up on things that an author immersed in their work does not, or, more to the point cannot.

The New Old World of Publishing


How authors need to adapt in the new ‘old’ world of publishing. Joanne Sprott makes the point that writers today can take advantage of both the models from the past (creating a fan base through subscription and crowd funding ahead of publication) and the tools of the present and future (social media and other aspects of expanded instant communication) to share their stories.